Good morning, I am a senior student of the Centro Escolar el
roble, I (support) the director of the motion (that) “healthy food
(should be banned) in schools”. My name is Camote and in this letter(debate)
I will talk about(to) you why fast food should be forbidden for young
people under the age of 18. The teenager(teenagers) that eat a lot of
junk food have more risk to die early and be obese than younger people that eat
more healthy food than fast food. So for that reason fast food is very bad for
teenagers, but what are the real problems that fast food make(makes) in
your body(.)(?) One reason(thing) is that junk food damage(damages)
our body because the fast food has many fat that decontrol(affects) the
balance of fat in your body and if you have more fat in your body(,) then this
fat can clog your arteries. This is not a problem only for the kids(,)
because this problem can affect every body. For that reason there are many
people that have obesity (can) also can develop diabetes that is a very
complicated disease that can affect younger(young) and old people.
Also junk food contains artificial substances that change your
metabolism when(,)(.) this(This) is a big problem because when
you are younger(young,) is the stage in that your metabolism is
changing because you are growth(growing). People below the age of 18 are
still in growth and eating that type of food won’t give the nutrients they need
to grow healthy. The teenager needs more healthy food, for example proteins
that can make (him) stronger and give you(him) energy for all day and (to)
make all the activities that you want. The fast food doesn’t have any vitamins,
proteins or carbohydrates that can help your body. For that reason the
younger(young people) need some nutrients that are fundamental for our
growth and the fast food wont(won’t) give all the nutrients that we
need(needed). If the young people and you still eating(eat) this
food, your(their) growth will be affected and you will not
develop your system in a good way.
So for this(these)
reasons the fast food will(should) be forbidden in all schools because
(it) affect(affects) the growth of the teenagers(.) also(Also)
this problems can prejudice your health when you are old. So right now you need
to change in the way that you eat, for example eat more fruits and vegetables
that can help you to take care your skin, vision and by(be) focused.
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