domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Writing 2

When you are starting to be a teenager at the age of 15 to 18 you want to be the center of attention, the cool, the popular and have more friends. A lot of teenagers do whatever to feel important although this can give you some health problems. Right now the teenagers smoke, alcohol consumer and taint his body with a tattoo to be more popular in the school. The teenager use the cigarettes for a social tool, you can go with a group of your friends that they are smoking, to be part of the group you ask for a cigarettes and start to smoke whit them. The problem of the cigarette it’s that contains the chemical nicotine that make you consume more cigarettes and they you will continue smoking and becoming addictive to smoke and remember that smoke only gives you breathing problems. At this age you will go to a lot of parties and in these parties will be alcohol for drink, the alcohol not is bad because it’s a way to share whit your friends, the bad is if you consume in excess. The alcohol awry the brains messages so you can’t coordinate your body very well, like difficult to move your arms and legs and talk, unconsciousness and dizziness. The alcohol is like the cigarettes you start to drink and they will be difficult to get out of this addiction. Making a tattoo is another way to be cool in your school because you can have in your body your favorite draw, but a tattoo not is just a simple draw in your body the ink that use in your body is permanent, the ink is introduced in your skin and you will never goanna take of only whit laser treatments that are too expensive. Besides of this you will never donate blood in a hospital because you have ink chemicals in your blood. You can be cool in your school making other things like: the best player of soccer or basketball, this is healthy skills. So there are many ways to be the center of attention whit your friends, not only if you smoke, drink alcohol or have a nice tattoo.

Writing 2

Write a paragraph about the reasons teenagers do about anything to be cool.


In this century one of the biggest problems of the teenagers is the drug addiction. The teenager are more vulnerable to start a drug addiction because (it) is more easier (to) buy it(them). Some people have a drug addiction, but what make(makes) you (an) addictive(addict)(,)(.) scientist(Scientists) predicts(explain) tree(three) reasons: biology, Environment(environment) and Development(development). Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Fortunately, there are treatments that help people to counteract addiction’s powerful disruptive effects and regain control. Some people become addicted, while others don’t. (that the) Risk(risk) for addiction is influenced by a person’s biology, social environment, and age or stage of development. Biology: The genes that people are born with, in combination with environmental influences account for about half of their addiction vulnerability. Additionally, gender, ethnicity, and the presence of other mental disorders may influence risk for drug abuse and addiction. Environment: A person’s environment includes many different influences from family and friends to socioeconomic status and quality of life in general. Factors such as peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, stress, and parental involvement can greatly influence the course of drug abuse and addiction in a person’s life. Development: Genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person’s life to affect addiction vulnerability, and adolescents experience a double challenge. Although taking drugs at any age can lead to addiction, the earlier that drug use begins, the more likely it is to progress to more serious abuse. And because adolescents’ brains are still developing in the areas that govern decisionmaking, judgment, and self-control, they are especially prone to risk-taking behaviors, including trying drugs of abuse. So it is very important to know that drugs are easier to become addictive. Drugs only move you to the wrong way(.)

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Oral Presentation

It is time for you to publish your writing for your oral presentation so I review it and approve it.